Uninstall GLS

Uninstalling GLS

When you install Golf League Secretary for Windows a file is created called "Install.Log" which contains all the files that were loaded during installation.  This file can be viewed in Notebook, Word Pad, or other word processor.  The GLS Uninstall Program reads the "install.log" and uninstalls, (deletes), the program and data files that were installed, unless those files are shared by other programs on your system.

  1. From Program Manager Click on "Ungls90" Icon in the "GolfSoft" Group, OR from Windows explorer double-click on the file UnGLS90.exe.  This will start the uninstall process.

  2. From the Uninstall Dialog Box, Click Automatic to "automatically" delete all files installed by the GLS installation program.  Click Custom to have control over the uninstall process.  Click Cancel to close the Uninstall Program without any changes.