Spreadsheet File Types

Reports or Scorecards created in GLS are saved as Golf League Secretary Files with the file extension ".gls."  Previous versions of GLS saved files using the ".ss" extension.  You can still save (or open) reports as ".ss" files, however, starting with GLSv 8.0 the default file extension is ".gls."  The ".gls" file has become the default Windows File Type for Golf League Secretary.  In other words, if you double-click on a ".gls" document in Windows Explorer or My Computer, the GLS application will start with the document open, just as if you double-clicked on a ".doc" document, MS Word will start and open the document.  This behavior does not occur if you double-click an ".ss" file.  When GLS is installed on your Windows computer, the ".gls" file is registered in the Windows Registry as a File Type (Golf League Secretary File) associated with the "Golf League Secretary 9" application.  It is recommended that you convert any older ".ss" files to ".gls" files.  To do this open the .ss file and "Save As" a .gls file.

You can also save spreadsheets as ".gst" files.  When saving templates for Scorecards or Weekly Reports you should save them as template files with the extension ".gst."  GLS looks for this extension when filling the template list box when you enter scorecard or weekly results mode.  Go to the create scorecards feature to see how this works.  A template file is a form that has input boxes corresponding to various items on a scorecard or weekly report.  Templates resides in a template folder and tell GLS where to position various items on a scorecard or weekly report.  Many users never see these files because they use the defaults templates provided.  Some users, however, create custom templates.  Basically, the ".gst" file extension is available so that you can have the same name for the Template and Layout file (Card1.gst and Card1.gls).  See the links above for more information on template files and layout files.

Other File Type Information:

You can save your reports as MICROSOFT EXCEL spreadsheets.  To save in EXCEL format…From the File Menu select Save As, then in the file types list box select XLS.  You can then open the saved file in MS Excel.

After you save a spreadsheet as a ".gls" file, you can save the entire spreadsheet or a range of cells as an HTML document..  Actually the proper term is "exported" as an HTML document.  It's called exported because the spreadsheet or range of cells can be saved as  HTML and viewed in a browser on the web or intranet, but cannot be opened as a spreadsheet or report in GLS.  The file is exported for use in another program.  Cell Ranges exported as HTML will appear as a table in the browser.  This will allow you to post your reports or results on the web or intranet. To save (export) a range of cells as HTML… Select a Range from the Spreadsheet.  Select all the cells that contain the data you wish to display as a Web Document.  From the File Menu select Export Range of Cells as HTML..., When the Save As Dialog Box appears, give the HTML Document a Name.  Click the Save Button.  You now can view the saved file in a browser and post it to the Internet or send it as HTML Email.

After you save a spreadsheet as a ".gls" file, you can save it as an XML document.  Again, the proper term is "exported" as an XML document.  It's called exported because the range of cells can be saved as  XML but cannot be opened as a spreadsheet or report in GLS.  To save (export) a spreadsheet or range of cells as XML… Select a Range from the Spreadsheet.  Select all the cells that contain the data you wish to display as XML.  From the File Menu select Export Range of Cells as XML..., When the Save As Dialog Box appears, give the XML Document a Name.  Click the Save Button.  You now can view the saved file in a text editor.  Some Hints:  The process does not work if the column headers (at the top of the spreadsheet) are hidden or are displayed as numbers.  The column headers should be displayed as letters, or as a custom word.  The column headers become the child element tags such as <A>, <B>, <C>, and so forth.  The row headers are disregarded and thus can be displayed or not displayed.  Again, experiment for best results.

After you save a spreadsheet as a ".gls" file, you can save a range of cells as a Comma Delimited Text File.  Again, the proper term is "exported" as a text file.  It's called exported because the range of cells can be saved as  Text but cannot be opened as a spreadsheet or report in GLS.  Each row (line) in a comma-delimited text file is a row in the spreadsheet.  Each column within the row is separated by a comma.  This function has limited usage.  For what it's worth, MS Excel can open a comma delimited file.  This would seem to be of little use since you can save GLS spreadsheets as an MS Excel spreadsheet.  See the following paragraph.  This type of  file could be called by a batch file for some purpose which is way beyond the scope of discussion here.  To save (export) a range of cells as Comma Delimited Text… Select a Range from the Spreadsheet.  Select all the cells that contain the data you wish to save as Comma Delimited Text.  From the File Menu select Export Range of Cells as Text File..., When the Save As Dialog Box appears, give the Text Document a Name.  Click the Save Button.  You now can view the saved file in a text editor.