Using Golf League Secretary from Golfsoft® ...

Read this page if your computer has ...
"Windows 64-bit"


Golf League Secretary is a 32 bit program and optimized for Windows 32-bit, however, it will run on 64 bit Vista, 7, 8, and 10 but is installed a little differently.

32-bit applications that include only 32-bit device drivers (e.g. GLS) cannot be executed on a 64-bit platform.  However, in computing on Microsoft platforms, SysWoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit) is a subsystem of the Windows operating system, capable of running 32-bit applications, is included in all 64-bit versions of Windows.  Many 32 bit applications are running seamlessly on 64 bit Windows.  We have no idea this is happening behind the scenes.  SysWoW64 aims to take care of many of the differences between 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows, particularly involving structural changes to Windows itself. You can get more detail on line...

The main difference is how the 64-bit operating systems handle the GLS database.  When GLS is installed on 64-Bit Windows, the database and other GLS created documents are redirected, using WOW64, to a "safe" file location in a "Virtual Store" folder located in the
"USERS" folder.  Once installed on 64-Bit windows, do a SEARCH of your C:\Users drive for the file gls90db.mdb. You should find 2 copies of the file on your system...

1.    C:/Program Files (x86)/Golfsoft/GLS9/Database

2.    C:/Users/[USERName]/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/Golfsoft/Database, where "USERName" is name of the current user, normally YOU.

The database file found in the "Users" folder is the main database file where all the data for GLS is stored and saved.  The copy in the Program Files (x86) folder is not active.   Windows WOW64 redirects all database calls to gls90db.mdb located in the C:\Users folder.  This is the file you should backup and use to reinstall if necessary. You will
backup the database by manually copying this file from windows file explorer (file manager) to a backup location outside of the "Golfsoft" folder,  preferably in your "My Documents" folder.  To install the backup simply recopy the backup to this folder under "C:\Users."  For reasons related to the difference between 32-Bit and 64-Bit files, GLS is not allowed by Windows to use the database file located in the C:/Program Files[(x86)] folder, however do not delete it.

Your 64-bit system has many 32-bit programs all of which are located in the C:/Program Files[(x86)] folder.

This is actually a seamless work around and will cause no problems unless you try to manually move files and folders without full knowledge of the consequences.



Also See:

Installation Warning Signs from Anti-Virus Programs



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Updated 01/17/22

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Golfsoft® Company
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Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439, USA
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