The GLS Database

The GLS database is a Microsoft® Access® 2000 Format database. A database is a group of related files, or tables, which hold information, or data, that can be manipulated using database methods. With GLS you can enter or edit data, analyze data, retrieve data, and compile reports. GLS provides you with easy to use data entry forms and easy to prepare screen outputs and printed reports. GLS is designed so that you will not have to be an expert on database theory, however, there may be times when you will want to or have to directly access the database tables. For example, you may want to set Team Positions, especially for Week One.  

The GLS Database is made up of 6 universal, or "Master Tables" and 17 "League Specific" tables. Notice the "League Specific" tables start with a number. The number is the League ID Number. The "League Specific" tables are created whenever a new league is setup.

Table Names:

Master Tables:







Events (future use only)

Players (future useonly)

Tables Created for each League (first character denotes League ID Number):

1Players 1ActScores
1Teams 1AdjScores
1Subs 1AdjOverPar
1PlayerResults 1PastScores
1TeamResults 1Handicaps
1SubResults 1MatchSetup
1SchedNine 1PlayerPrizes
1Schedule 1TeeTimes

The tables listed above hold all of the data needed to run the league. Each table is made up of categories or fields which hold the specific related data. For example, the Leagues Table is made up of 31 fields which hold everything from the "LeagueID" Number and "LeagueName" to whether the league will "TrackPutts"; how the league will "AdjustScores"; and what will be the "MaximumHandicap". You can view the Tables and Fields in Database Mode. Click on the "Open Database" button on the tool bar to access a table.

If you open the database in Edit Mode, you can then make changes to the table. This is not recommended unless you are exactly sure what you are doing.

When you open a database table in Read Only Mode, the table is opened in a GLS spreadsheet which can be edited, formatted, or changed in any manner you wish. All you have done is create a copy of the table. Changes made to this copy have no effect whatsoever on the database itself. Read Only copies can provide data for league planning and reporting. (See section on Spreadsheets and spreadsheet formatting)