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how Golf League Secretary operates...
1How much does GLS
cost? The Answers…
How much does GLS
cost? ........^back^......
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All Fees as of January 1, 2010. Subject to change / All prices are before shipping if applicable.
How do I register GLS
v9.x? ........^back^......
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^ What and Where is the Computer ID Number? ...^back^... ^ back to top ^ All users must initially obtain Golf League Secretary in the download file in unlicensed form, also known as "The Demo Version," at no charge. You can evaluate GLS to ascertain whether it will achieve your intended results. The unlicensed version displays some reminders of its' unregistered state, otherwise, all major features are fully enabled. Upon deciding GLS will achieve your intended results, you can purchase a license. A unique "Unlock Code," a series of letters and/or numbers, similar to a password, will be issued to you. The unlock code is based on a "Computer ID Number" which GLS generates and is unique to your computer. All computers have a different Computer ID Number and require a different Unlock Code. Your license becomes active on a single computer when the correct unlock code is entered and the software becomes fully enabled. To locate this information, click on the "GLS" Menu... "Registration / Unlock..."
registered version became
^ back to top ^
Can I transfer GLS to the new league secretary's' computer? ...^back^... ^ back to top ^ New starting in 2010... The transfer option has been discontinued. We have eliminated the "Transfer" option which allowed a GLS License to be transferred to a new user. Instead, a new league secretary is treated as a new user with a new license subscription. Click here for more information. How can POINTS be configured in GLS? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ GLS offers many ways to set league points, and GLS will automatically calculate the points, on-the-fly as you enter weekly results, OR you can input any points you wish manually. There are 3 types of automatic points available for the league: 1. Individual Points; 2. Team Points; and 3. Match Points (which are actually a form of team points). Of course, for individual leagues only individual points are available. You decide how many points are awarded for the following categories. See POINTS for more details What's with the maintenance release updates? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ Software can probably never be perfect... "bug-free." You can expect GLS v9.9 to be updated to fix programming problems or to add new features. These updates are sometimes referred to as "patches" or "bug fixes". Most Updates fix minor problems which may or may not affect your particular configuration. Some Updates repair significant problems or add new program enhancements. Updates will continue to be released on our website until all known problems have been fixed. Please check periodically, and download the latest update. It takes only a few minutes to download and install the update, and will not affect any leagues you have set up or any work you have done. And the updates are available at no charge. The latest version number is always posted on our home page. Thank You for your patience… How Version Updates are Numbered / Dated? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ GLS v9.000 will have a 4-digit version number. The first digit, left of the decimal, is the Major Version Number, currently 9 (nine). The other numbers, after the decimal, are the Minor Version Number. Currently, the first two digits will be 9 and 0, (Major Version 9 and Minor Version .0). Updates will append 2 digits to the 9.9 in sequence starting at 00, then 01, then 02, and so forth (9.900, 9.901, 9.902 etc.). Each Update will also include the date it was released. With this system there should be no confusion as to what version you have and whether or not it is the latest version. Does GLS work for all golf leagues? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ GLS cannot do everything. That would be impossible. If it can't do something, it can't be forced to do it. GLS works best for leagues that have set players, set teams, and a set schedule. GLS does not work with leagues that have different players every week or if playing the round is optional. GLS does not work for leagues that change partners periodically or if the players "just kind of show up when they feel like it." GLS is not recommended for leagues where players can play any course they want or turn in the scorecard whenever they feel like it. Also, GLS, does not handle a mixed type league where it is necessary to have different hole handicaps for different players. Everyone must play the same golf course. They can tee-off from different tees, but the hole handicaps must be the same for everyone. GLS will not automatically calculate some types of points. For example, some leagues award points for showing up to golf. GLS will not calculate this automatically, however, you can manually enter team or individual points as you please. GLS will not handle leagues with 3-person teams, it only works for individual, 2-person teams, and 4-person teams. It can't be coaxed to work for other such leagues. In order for GLS to work properly, the course handicaps for 18-hole courses must be odd numbers 1 through 17 on the front, and even numbers 2 through 18 on the back. For 9, 27, and 36 hole courses the handicaps holes are numbered 1 through 9 for each nine. GLS will not accept hole handicaps that do not comply with this requirement, however, it is easy to convert your league to this format. There are probably many other league rules that GLS will not handle. Can you believe one league actually awards points if the temperature is below 40 degrees! It's true. If you are not sure if GLS can handle your league email us with the league specifics. We may tell you GLS is not recommended or we may have some ideas to make it work.
Will GLS
work on my computer?
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Minimum System Requirements:
Can I use my
old v8.0 and v8.9 league in the new version
9.9? ........^back^......
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created this program?
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How do I
reach Golfsoft® Company?
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Golfsoft® Company
How is the
Demo Version different from a licensed
version? ..^back^..
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^ The unlicensed demo version is
exactly the same as the licensed version except for not allowing
you to go past 5 weeks of data entry for any league you create.
That's the only difference! Except for the opening and closing
reminders that the program is unlicensed, the demo version and
licensed version are the same. There are no pressing reasons to
order the program immediately or until you have used it for a
few weeks. Can I give a copy of GLS to other league secretaries? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ We appreciate your telling your friends or anyone who may be interested about Golfsoft® and Golf League Secretary™. They can get more information and download the latest version of GLS from this website. Can GLS be uninstalled and how do I do it? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ When you install Golf League Secretary v9.9 for Windows a file is created called INSTALL.LOG which contains all the files that were loaded during installation. If you would like to see this file, it can be viewed in Notepad. The GLS v9.0 Uninstall Program, UNGLS90.EXE, reads the install.log and uninstalls, (deletes), the program and data files that were installed less any shared components which are used by other programs on your computer.
To Uninstall GLS v9.x: Is GLS sanctioned or approved by the USGA? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ The United States Golf Association (USGA), has NOT in any way approved or endorsed this program, nor has such an approval been solicited. The USGA is the sole governing body that establishes handicap parameters and the requirements for maintaining a certified handicap. The USGA controls and sanctions the issuance of official handicap cards that can be used in events at any golf course with an official slope or stroke rating. GLS, or any golf software which is operated by anyone other than a certified golf association or club cannot issue handicap cards or establish a certified handicap. A handicap established by Golf League Secretary can only be used within this golf league. GLS cannot, by law, and does not create or issue handicap cards for league members. Your members can, however, submit their league scores to a certified USGA club. Call the USGA in Far Hills, New Jersey for more details... Is there a printed manual for GLS? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ Printed Documentation is not available at this time. All the effort of preparing this program has gone into programming and testing. We have attempted to make the On-Line Help File a comprehensive explanation of how GLS works and what it can do. You may find it helpful to print some of the Help Topics if a hard copy is helpful for you. Does Golfsoft® have any other software products? ........^back^...... ^ back to top ^ Golf League Secretary for Windows our only product at this time. Our next planned products will be Golf Team Secretary™ for Windows, a program designed specifically for high school and college golf coaches; Golf Handicap Secretary™ for Windows, a program designed for golf outings and tournaments, and Golfers' Secretary™ for Windows, a program designed to track an individual golfer(s) statistics. Other products are planned including a program to specifically run a scramble tournament and a golf club handicapping program.
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